
The "Guidelines on strengthening gender equality in notarial practices - South-East Europe" have been published


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The "Guidelines on strengthening gender equality in notarial practices - South-East Europe" have been published


Co-publication of FAO and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellscha für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), the “Guidelines on strengthening gender equality in notarial practices - South East Europe” are intended as a practical assistance document that notaries can use to strengthen gender equality in the services that they provide.

It offers quick and easy steps, and checklists to help notaries exercise due diligence in the services they provide under the law, by identifying and protecting the rights of all women and daughters with a legal interest in the service.

It also provides additional information for notaries wishing to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the gender implications of the services they provide, and tips on how to engage in advocacy.

It builds up on the VGGT and several technical guides and aims to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs indicators 5.a.2, 5.a.1 and 1.4.2, among others.

The International Union of Notaries and the Chamber of Notaries of the participating countries contributed to this Guidelines with their practical knowledge and specific examples to the quality of the document. 

The International Union of Notaries completed the peer review of the document and is committed to support the implementation and further elaborate the guide to cover other regions and prepare a global guide for the notaries. 

Card page

The “Guidelines on strengthening gender equality in notarial practices - South East Europe” are also available to the UINL Site members in the Intranet > Working Groups > Partnerships with international organization > FAO.


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