The General Council

The General Council is the advisory body of UINL, in charge of political and scientific reflection.

  • The General Council has the following powers:
  • It provides opinions and recommendations, either on its own initiative, or at the request of the President, the Steering Committee or the General Meeting, on all matters affecting the interests of UINL and, in particular, on those tied to the programme of activities and the guidelines established by the General Meeting.
  • It examines, either on its own initiative or at the request of the President, the Steering Committee or the General Meeting, any matters of interest for the preservation, strengthening, expansion and spread of Latin-type notaries.
  • It proposes to the Steering Committee matters to be examined by the latter or to be included on the agenda of the General Meeting.
  • It must be consulted on the admission of new Members.
  • It must issue recommendations on amendments to the statutes and general bye-laws.
  • It takes note of the applications of candidates to the posts of president, vice presidents and treasurer, as well as other members of the Steering Committee with voting rights.
  • It prepares the selection of the members of the continental and intercontinental commissions, as well as those of their boards.
  • It sets up working groups, either on its own initiative or at the request of the Steering Committee or the General Meeting.
  • It supervises and co-ordinates the activities of commissions and working groups.
  • It supervises the choice of themes for the International Congresses of Notaries, as well as the organisation and successful course of the scientific works of said congresses, as well as the publication of the results thereof.