Conference of Indian Ocean Notariats in Madagascar
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Conference of Indian Ocean Notariats in Madagascar
The 5th edition of the Conference of Indian Ocean Notariats opens today in Antananarivo (Madagascar), in the presence of the Minister of Justice of Madagascar, Mrs. Landy Mbolatiana Randriamanantenasoa, the French Ambassador in Madagascar (Mr Arnaud Guillois), the Presidents of the Notariats of Madagascar (Not. Andrianmanalina), Mauritius (Not. d'Hotman de Villers), Comoros (Not. Assoumani), and Reunion (Not. Leung-Yen-Fond-Giraud), as well as representatives of UINL (Not. Thierry Vachon, Secretary, Not. Olganika Salam, CAAf President, Not. Achite Henni, Vice-President for Africa) and the French Conseil Supérieur du Notariat (Me Bertrand Macé and Me Didier Nourissat).
From March 5 to 6, several round tables will be held on three themes:
- Ethics and organization of the notary's office
- Horizontal co-ownership and land subdivision
- International successions
The discussions will be accompanied by Professors Ramarolanto Ratiaray and Ravaka Andrianaivotseheno, professors in Antananarivo.