
The essential public function of notary during and post-pandemic - Indonesian notaries international webinar with the support of UINL



The essential public function of notary during and post-pandemic - Indonesian notaries international webinar with the support of UINL


In light of the pandemic situation, UINL Member Notariat IKATAN NOTARIS INDONESIA (INI) will hold a discussion through a webinar session on May 15, on the strategic services of notaries during and post-COVID19: 

Why should notarial public services be considered essential and strategic?
How should notaries carry out their duties and how do other countries in the world deal with notarial function in times of COVID-19?
How should the notarial fundamental principles be implemented after COVID-19 and why do they stay relevant?

UINL President Dr. Not. Cristina N. Armella will participate in the meeting and recall the fundamental exercise of the notarial activity in times of pandemic, especially with regards to the use of new technologies. 

INI President, Not. Yualita Widyadhari, S.H., M.Kn will welcome international speakers and national state authorities into the discussion. 

The essential public function of notary during and post-pandemic Covid-19

Friday, 15th of May 2020
2.00 - 5.00 PM (WIB/GMT+7)
Via ZOOM Meet
Free of charge 
Max 1000 participants 
Registration Link:
English-Bahasa Indonesia simultaneous translation


1. Cahyo R. Muhzar, S.H., L.LM (Director General of Legal Administrative Affairs, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Indonesia)
2. Giovanni Liotta (Member of Steering Committee of the UINL and Notary in Italy)
3. Lionel Galliez (Vice President Europe of UINL and Notary in France)
4. Richard Bock (President of the Commission for International Notarial Cooperation (CCNI) of UINL and Chief Representative of the Federal Chamber of German Civil Law Notaries for International Affairs)
5. Christian Schall (CCNI UINL and Notary in Germany)
6. Mikhail Yuldashev (CCNI UINL and Notary in Russia)
7. Alwesius, S.H., M.Kn (Head of Notarial Education Program of the INI, and Notary)


Prita Suyudi, S.H., M.Kn (Vice President Asia of CCNI UINL and Notary) 
Albert Richi Aruan S.H., L.LM., M.Kn (Legal Review Task Force of INI and Notary)




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