
The Commission of Asian Affairs elects his president for 2022 and plans futur projects


The Commission of Asian Affairs elects his president for 2022 and plans futur projects


The 10th plenary session of the Commission of Asian Affairs (CAAs) took place on 24 September 2021 through a virtual meeting. 

This annual meeting of the UINL Asian Member Notariats welcomed the participation of the Kazakhstan Notariat as an observer.
UINL President Cristina N. ARMELLA also participated in the meeting despite a large time difference between Argentina and Vietnam. On remote notarial authentication, she recalled that useful principles have been ratified by UINL in a “Decalogue”. This synthetic document recalls the importance of keeping the notary as the central public officer in charge of authentication, control of identity, free expression of will and legality, using secured platform and protect personal data, drawing rules of territoriality, and defining systems to sign and draw up the notarial authentic instrument.
She emphasided on many projects of interest for the region such as the cooperation agreement with UNICEF on their Lecagy program, the UINL study on Corporate Law and the current investigation on the admission on new members. 

Vietnamese authorities from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Home Affairs and Minsitry of Public Security also joined the conference. In particular, the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam expressed their gratitude to UINL for its support in favour of the sustainable development of the notarial function in Vietnam. 

This meeting was then the occasion for Mr. TUAN Dao Thanh – President of Vietnam Notary Assocation and 2021 Rotating President of CAAs to present his full report. He highlighted the improvement of quality in notarial service, the digitization, and the active participation of all Asian Notariats in the COVID prevention activities. 

The meeting included the election of the 2022 Rotating President, Mr. TAKASAKI Hideo from Japan.
He was elected together with Mr. INABA Kazuo as Vice President of CAAs and Mr. YAMASHITA Terutoshi as Secretary of CAAs, both from the Japan National Notary Association too. The CAAs Treasurer for the period of 2020-2022 remains Ms. Li Yuanyuan of China Notary Asocciation. 

On the Asian Notarial Academy, the members generally agreed that its establishment would be beneficial, but yet needs more time and planification to be implemented. The CAAs members decided, while the topic will continue to be discussed and researched, that certain steps could be taken shortly, such as organizing national one-time trainings in online format with UINL speakers.  





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