
A look back at the UINL virtual activities of the last few months



A look back at the UINL virtual activities of the last few months


Since the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic, the UINL has conducted all its activities online.

UINL wanted this period to be used to improve online meetings and distance working. Far from having limited its activity, our institution has thus multiplied its opportunities to participate in seminars and online meetings around the world. 

Here is a summary of all the events that have taken place to date:

- 27 March: virtual visit to the notariat of Andorra and Guatemala

- 2 April: virtual visit to the notariat of Bolivia

- 6/7 April: live virtual meeting of the UINL President, Not. Dra. Cristina N. Armella on "The exercise of the notarial function during lock-down". 

- 10 April: virtual visit to the Commission of young notaries of America. 

- 16 April: virtual visit to the notariat of Quebec about the exercise of the notarial function in times of pandemic and the use of new technologies. 

- 17 April: virtual visit to the notariat of the Dominican Republic

- 22 April: virtual visit to the notariat of Senegal

- 4 May: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with the UINL Vice-President for North, Central America and the Caribbean, Dennis Martínez Colón on "the notariat in Puerto Rico, founder of the UINL".

- 7 May: live virtual meeting with the UINL President on "The exercise of the notarial function during lock-down". 

- 13 May: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with the President of the UINL American Affairs Commission, David Figueroa Marquez, on "The notarial profession and the challenges of the 21st century". 

- 15 May: First UINL International Webinar organized by the notariat of Indonesia. The training brought together nearly 900 participants from 15 countries and all continents on the theme of "The essential public service of the notary during and after the Covid-19 pandemic".

- 19 May: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with the UINL Vice-President for South America, Ana Manuela Gonzalez Ramos on "the Paraguayan and South American notariat »

- 26 May: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with the President of the Peruvian notariat, Mario Romero Valdivieso, on "the role of the Peruvian notariat in the UINL".

- 2 June: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with the UINL Honorary Councillor of the UINL, Hernán de la Fuente, for a conversation on the past and future of the UINL. 

- 9 June: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with the President of the notariat of Ecuador, Homero Lopez Obando, on "the Ecuadorian notariat today". 

- 18 June: live virtual meeting between the UINL President and José Flavio Bueno Fischer, former President of the Brazilian notariat, on the "telematic or remote notarial function in Brazil". 

- 23 June: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with Harman Mora Vargas, President of the Notarial Academy of Costa Rica, on "Costa Rica's notariat today".

- 1 July: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with Nery Roberto Munoz on "the Guatemalan notariat today".

- 2 July: virtual visit to the notariat of Lebanon.

- 8 July: virtual visit to the notariat of Belarus. 

- 10 July: First virtual UINL Steering Committee, with simultaneous translation. 

- 14 July: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with Leonardo Pérez Gallardo, Vice-President of the Cuban Notarial Society, on the theme "Cuba: succession in the notarial office".

- 16 July: Inauguration of the World Notarial University "Jean-Paul Decorps", virtual edition 2020,through an international webinar in simultaneous translation. 

- 21 July: Live virtual meeting of the UINL President with Elena Viva, Professor in Peru, on the "principles of registration". 

- 22 July: virtual visit to the notariat of China to discuss the situation of the notariat during and after the pandemic, as well as the digital achievements of the Chinese notariat. 

- 23 July: live virtual meeting of the UINL President with the President of the notariat of the Dominican Republic, Pedro Rodriguez Montero. 

- 1st August: International Seminar on Notarial Law 2020 organized by the Association of Notaries of Ica and sponsored by the Council of Deans of the Colleges of Notaries of Peru, the UINL Commission on American Affairs (CAAm) and the American Notarial Academy. 

- 5 August: virtual visit to the notariat of Mongolia, to discuss recent legislative updates in the country. 

- 14 August: Virtual celebration of the 128th anniversary of the founding of the College of Notaries of Paraguay.  

- 27 August: Virtual International Symposium on Notarial Mediation organized by the American Notarial Academy. 

The virtual visits will continue over the coming months. 

Find all the information on the UINL web page and our social networks: Facebook, Twitter @uinl_org, and LinkedIn @Union Internationale du Notariat (UINL)



Press releases

UINL Steering Committee Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam

28 Feb 2025

Apply for the 3rd UINL Prize for Legal Research!

14 Feb 2024


27 Feb 2023